About Me

Hi, there! I am Shunlin Lu, a first-year Ph.D. student affiliated at School of Data Scienec (SDS), The Chinese University of Hongkong (Shenzhen). I am honored to be co-supervised by Prof. Ruimao Zhang and Prof. Benyou Wang. Previously, I obtained my master's degree from University of Southern California (USC) and bachelor's degree from Wuhan University of Technology. Recently, my research interests mainly lie in Multi-Modal LLMs, Character Animation, Motion Generation/Understanding, and Machine Learning. When I was in USC, I worked closely with Dr. Souvik Kundu (Intel AI lab). I had a wonderful time as a research intern at the International Digital Economy Academy (IDEA), working closely with Dr. Ailing Zeng and Prof. Lei Zhang. Now, I'm a research intern at Shanghai AI lab, working with Dr. Jingbo Wang. My reseach goal is to build a generalizable and robust animation system to serve for embodied intelligence and virtual entertainment.


  • One paper was accepted to ICML (2024).
  • One paper was accepted to NeurIPS (2023).
  • One paper was accepted to ICLR (2023).
  • One paper was accepted to ICASSP (2023).
  • One paper was accepted to VLSI-SoC (2022), and won best paper nomination!!!




Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Labortary | Research intern 2024.06 – now
International Digital Economy Academy (IDEA) | Research intern 2023.01 – 2024.06

Awards & Honors

  • Viterbi Honor Graduate Student in USC
  • The First scholarship and titled the Superior Student in Wuhan University of Technology(three times)

Thanks to Weiyu Li and HTML5 UP for the design of this webpage.